Crook handle walking canes are the most traditional style of cane, borrowing from the old shepherd's crooks used by sheep herders all over the world.
Shop nowA Derby cane is characterized by the distinctive hook at the end of the handle. They are extremely popular due to their practicality balanced with elegance. The Derby handle is most often a better fit for smaller built people.
Shop nowA Hame is the curved pieces on the collar of a draft horse harness where the traces are fastened. Sitting atop a Brazos cane, you just can't beat the class!
Shop nowRoot canes are as they sound. The handle is made from the root ball on the tree. These solid, one piece canes can't be beat when it comes to strength.
Shop nowThe Traditional style cane handles are our most common. Designed for comfort, they fit those with a standard to larger built frame.
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