Canes Help Keep Seniors On Their Feet As U.S. Life Expectancy Continues To Climbs

Canes Help Keep Seniors On Their Feet As U.S. Life Expectancy Continues To Climbs

Even as the average retirement age steadily increases, American seniors are predicted to have plenty of time to themselves after clocking out of work once and for all. That’s because the typical U.S. lifespan is expected to hit slightly more than 83 years for women and 79 years for men come 2030. We ask that you take a moment and compare this lifespan expectancy to the fact that the average age of retirement is 63 and you’ll see that there is at least a decade or more of personal time remaining. As we all know, with age comes medical conditions that may make movement a bit harder than we remember from our younger years. If your loved one still wants to get out and about, but needs the assistance of a cane, we encourage you to continue reading and understand the issues surrounding our elderly population and what you can do to make that transition a little bit easier.

According to a CNBC report from early 2017, the current life expectancy in the U.S. is 76.5 for men and 81.2 for women. The data comes from the English medical journal “Lancet,” and the report adds that the gap between men and women is expected to close as “lifestyles become more similar to one another.” Further, the report notes that the steady increase in global life expectancy is tied to improvements in elder care. What’s more, studies show that the growth of exercise and aerobic outlets for seniors is keeping this population healthier for longer periods of time. If your loved one wants to stay on their feet, then canes may be one of the most thoughtful purchases you can make. That’s because by shopping with companies like Brazos Walking Sticks, you can choose from a customizable inventory that is handcrafted in the U.S.

Walking sticks and canes available today can be created from a variety of woods – such as maple, walnut and hickory – and come in many styles for both men and women, including rustic, smooth or traditional. Whether your loved one requires a cane to assist them with outdoor adventures, for simply getting around or as a tool to lean upon during prolonged periods of standing, a cane can mean the difference between a sense of defeat or newfound independence.

What’s more, the best companies currently crafting canes can customize them with all sorts of information to truly make the cane an accessory and statement piece, rather than a simple utilitarian tool. The owner’s name, nickname, hobby, branch of military service and more can be engraved into the side of their cane , showing the legacy they’ve created and ensuring their cane is a treasured and personalized part of their everyday activities.

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