What is a Spike Tip for Walking Canes and Sticks?

What is a Spike Tip for Walking Canes and Sticks?

For serious hikers — or those aspiring to be serious hikers — we offer a versatile, strong, and robust spike tip option called the Lee Valley Spike. This spike tip has been a popular choice on all of our walking sticks, and even a few walking cane users have found the Lee Valley Spike to be beneficial.

Several years ago our friends at Lee Valley Tools collaborated with us to develop this spike tip, and it’s been one of our best selling spike options ever since.

This tip features a virtually indestructible brass design that is screwed in to the bottom of your shaft, for a strong, secure fit. The rubber tip and steel spike unscrew and are interchangeable.

At $26, this spike option is great for those wanting a long term solution with replaceable parts and a pristine design.


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